Since 1955
AS-3916/VRC Low Profile Antenna
Frequency Range: 30 MHz to 88 MHz
VSWR: 3.5:1
Power Handling: 100 W Average
Extremely Rugged and Reliable
Base Mount for Placement Flexibility
Reduced Height Compared to Other VHF Whips
Easy Assembly/Disassembly
Detailed Description
The AS-3916/VRC is a rugged, low profile, broadband vehicular whip antenna system designed to provide VHF communications for a range of turreted military vehicles.
The AS-3916/VRC can be used with any frequency agile radio that operates within its 30-88 MHz band. It is ideal for use on vehicles where a taller whip, such as the AS-3900A/VRC , is undesirable.
The complete antenna system is comprised of a thin, short, stainless steel whip and an impedance matching unit base allowing a continuous transmitting power of 100 Watts with a maximum VSWR of 3.5:1 over the frequency band.

The AS-3916/VRC features EMP (ElectroMagnetic Pulse) and high voltage protection. High voltage isolation to 20 kVRMS offers safety to personnel and equipment in the case of accidental contact with overhead powerlines.